Vehicle Protection

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Safety and security is critical to the design and development of any facility and especially for Early Childhood Development Centers. AHC2 is experienced in the changing vehicle protection and barrier industry. There are approximately 20,000 vehicle-into-building crashes every year. Considering the devastating impacts of these accidents, vehicle protection should be considered in the design of your new location or be added to you existing facility. AHC2 can help you with either.

With the increased awareness, there are number of crash-tested products on the market. AHC2 has experience with bollards, guard rails and fences. There are many factors to consider as every location is different. The best solution for you may include more than one of these products. It may not be any of them! AHC2 can help you evaluate and execute the solution that’s right for you and your budget.

Protecting your investment with vehicle protection is best for your business and more importantly your customers. Contact us if you would like to learn more.

Case Study

A client of ours wanted to include vehicle protection in her playground renovation project. Part of her playground was directly adjacent to the parking lot for the school. She approached AHC2 about managing the project and asked us about including traffic-rated bollards.

Evaluating the budget for the project, the cost of the bollards with the playground renovation pushed the budget higher than was planned. A guardrail was considered but was not the right solution in terms of appearance or application.

A part of the playground had a slope and was not often used by the children. You can see from the lack of wear on the lawn. AHC2 evaluated the use of a retaining wall to improve the usable area of the playground of the while providing vehicle protection. After bidding out the project to multiple contractors it was determined that this was the best design for the project and for the budget.

AHC2 provided construction oversight for the project which was critical because the work needed to be done while the school was operational. There were also multiple subcontractors involved.

Our client and her staff as well as the parents and children were thrilled with the final results. All projects are unique. Its important to consider all options.